Monday, July 20, 2009

Jerusalem ultra orthodox say hello

This picture featured in Ha'aretz last week shows a charedi man giving the finger to the camera at a riot in protest of the arrest of an ultra orthodox mother for starving her children (they were protestin that she was arrested, not that she was abusive). You may be concerned about a growing number of child abuse cases in the ultra orthodox communtiy here, or their rising cotempt towards the rule of law. But I'm more worried about the never ending, rampant americanazation of Israeli culture.
Since when do Israelis flip the bird with their middle finger up?


Anonymous said...

Israelies have learned well, but not from me. If you hear a charedie say "F you", maybe then I can take the blame, but my association with Israeli charedim is minimal.

Thanks for the English post

an American without manners

Unknown said...

Ilan, are you serious? First off, the middle finger is not American -

Secondly, it is entirely possible that the person in the picture is American. Third, I would classify most things Haredi to be outside Israeli culture.

And lastly, your blog is in English...