Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Knesset v.18

Witht the election coming up, I thought I would put some of the parties slogans. Actuall translations are in "QUOTES". My translation in a cultural context are in italics.

Israel Beiteinu under Avigdor Liberman
Polling at 14-17 seats

"Only Liberman Understands Arabic"
Liberman knows that the only proper response to anything said in Arabic is violence"

"No loyaty, no citizenship"
I will take away citizenship from Arab Israelis

Likud under Benjamin Netanyahu
Polling at 25-30 seats

"Strong on security. Stron on Economics"
I will use force rashly. I will complete the privitization of the State of Israel

"It's too big for her"
I will play to your chauvinist tendencies and tell you that a girl can't be a good prime minister

Kadima under Tzipi Livni
Polling at 20-25 seats

"Tzipi Livni: a different leader(es)"
Tzipi is pretty cool, and a woman, and we don't really have anything else to say since we don't even really have a platform.

Avoda under Ehud Barak
Pollign at 12-17 seats

"In the moment of truth: Barak"
We ran that stupid war 2 years ago badly, but we just ran the stupid Gaza war really well. Don't you want barak to run our next stupid war, too?

Meretz under Jumas
Polling at 4-7 seats

Wont compromise. Will do what is righ for Israel"
"More Meretz, Less Bibi-Liberman"
We're cool and have good ideas.. We don't how the hell we'll do them, but at lease we're not facsists!

Chadash under Muchamad Barka
Polling at 1-4 seats

"I'm also againse the war in Gaza:
"Building a new left"
We are against the war and not afraid to say it. A left which thinks it can base peace on violence is not the left for me.

1 comment:

Avi said...

Very interesting,
Thanks for the education.

Avi Brandvain